SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as COVID-19, has disrupted the fibre of human society, penetrating the social, economic, and political core of human existence. The global pandemic has not left any segment of human society unscathed. Rich, poor, north, south, black, and white have all felt the harshness of the pandemic, with sustained implications and consequences. Both developing and developed countries have exposed the similarities and shared human devastation of the 2020 global pandemic.
In all 18 articles the sociologists from India, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Turkey, the United States of America and Zimbabwe analysed COVID-19 implications through the theoretical lens of clinical sociology decoding social problems’ impact on men, women, children, families, economies, healthcare, education, communities, societies and nation states.
The authors offer narratives that examine pervasive social problems intensified by the pandemic, further scrutinising context-specific socio-economic, labour, gender, and health conditions intersecting across race, class, gender, and geography.
The innovative methodology adhered to rigorous scientific and ethical standards under arduous conditions. Research findings presented are supported by sound theoretical frameworks establishing a link between theory, methodology and applied and clinical sociological practice.
COVID-19: Sociological Interventions is an essential companion for post-graduate students, researchers, governments and its affiliated organs, political parties, foundations, non-governmental organisations, multi-lateral organisations, consulting companies, international bodies, investment organisations, policy advisors, think tanks, stakeholders in private sector, consultants, community stakeholders, alternative media propagators and practitioners.
Editors: Mariam Seedat-Khan & Johanna O Zulueta
Bandana Purkayastha
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Social Problems
Mariam Seedat-Khan & Johanna O Zulueta
Older Women and COVID-19: A Look into the Experiences of
Filipino Migrant Women Living in Japan’s Rural Areas
Johanna O Zulueta
Malaysia COVID-19 Women Survivors: A Tale to Tell
Hooi Shan Lim & Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain
Triple Shift During COVID-19 Pandemic: Additional Roles of
Working Women in Assisting Pre-schoolers’ Online Education
Hue Chi Yin, Puspa Melati Wan & Noorzareith Sofeia
Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
on Women Empirical Frontiers from India
Faisal Hassan & Vaishali Ojha
When Domestic Space Becomes an Epistemic Space Mapping
the Experience of Women Students in the Indian University
Nagaraju Gundemeda & Anusha Renukuntla
Women’s Financial Independence and Spending Adaptations
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shamola Pramjeeth & Dominique Marié Nupen
The Experiences of Rural Women in South Africa and Brazil
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aradhana Ramnund-Mansingh, Mariam Seedat-Khan
& Kiveshni Naidoo
The Impact of COVID-19 ‘Hard’ Lockdown Regulations and
the Temporary Employer-Employee Relief Scheme
on Domestic Workers in South Africa
Desiree P Manicom & Fairuz Mullagee
Giddens’s Structuration Theory to Assess COVID-19 Pandemic
and the Vulnerability of Undocumented African Migrant
Women in South Africa
John Mhandu
Identity, Agency, and COVID-19
Resilience among Migrant Women in South Africa
Quraisha Dawood & Shireen Mukadam
A Clinical Sociological Perspective on the COVID-19 Poly-Pandemic Jayanathan Govender
Coronavirus Pandemic and Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria
A Review of the Literature
Oluwatobi Joseph Alabi
Food Insecurity and Insufficiency: The Disproportionate Impact
on the Vulnerable in United States, COVID-19 &
Programme Changes in 2021 and 2022
Saiqa Anne Qureshi
Ethical and Scientific Outputs: Implications of SARS-CoV-2
on Academic Research
Mariam Seedat-Khan & Naushad Mamode Khan
Human Rights Implications of COVID-19 in India
Usha Rana & Jayanathan Govender
COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences of Youth in the Grip of
Gender Inequalities in Turkey
Damla Topbas & Nilay Çabuk Kaya
Looking Towards a Post COVID-19 Society
Mariam Seedat-Khan & Johanna O Zulueta