Design and Engineering: Sustainability, Innovation and Production (e-Book)

ISBN: 9789381043400
Binding:ePubSize: 156x234 mm
Pages: 476Year:

In today’s era, sustainability and innovation concepts are mentioned together with the production approach. Today, there are expectations for sustainability, innovative approach and creativity in physical or mental production activities in all design and engineering fields. Sustainable designs and engineering productions by considering the rights of future generations are now being created with new materials, new production technologies, and new visions. In all architectural and engineering processes, the most crucial concept is made with these approaches; these will help to save labour, resources, and energy consumption. Today, especially with expensive and limited energy sources, the market demand for low energy consumption and long-life products is quite high valued compared to other products. These approaches appear as techniques that increase product value and lifetime in both production processes and design stages.

With these perspectives, Design and Engineering: Sustainability, Innovation and Production is presented having the latest works in architecture and engineering sciences with sustainability and innovation approaches.

Aslı Güneş Gölbey is a Landscape Architect and works as an Associate Professor in İzmir Democracy University, Architecture Faculty, Landscape Architecture Department. A PhD from Ege University, Aslı is the Director of İzmir Democracy University Vocational School. Aslı’s main research topic centres around landscape reclamation techniques and artificial wetlands.

Gaye Birol is a Professor, Department of Architecture, İzmir Democracy University; graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Architecture, Gaye completed her MArch degree in Balıkesir University and was awarded her PhD by the İzmir Institute of Technology.

Uğur Çavdar is a Mechanical Engineer and works as an Associate Professor in İzmir Democracy University, Mechanical Engenering Department. A PhD from Celal Bayar University, Uğur is the Director of İDÜ University Industry Cooperation Application and Research Centre and Vice-Director of the Institute of Science. Uğur is also working as a group member of  the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology for İzmir City Public-University-Industry Cooperation (KUSI). Uğur’s main research topics are nano and powder metal, rapid and novel sintering as well as welding techniques.

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